Archive for the ‘Eventful Events’ Category

I have to say, Louise’s party was a success! I had so much fun that night, regardless of the slow beginning and the bitter end that had transpired.


It was therapeutic to let loose. I needed that. 🙂

So glad I did it with some of the people closest to my heart… And my toast… 😀

Here are a few pictures that ought to make you jealous… 😉

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and don’t worry, it’s all on facebook… 😀

Haaaaaaaaaaappy Biiiiiiirthday to youuuuuuuu…

I am officially LSS-ing on that jolly birthday jingle that the waiters and waitresses at Bigby’s sang to my widdle sister for her birthday. Louise should get an Oscar for her “surprised” look, considering it was HER idea to go to a place where they can sing their birthday wishes to her! LOL…

Kudos on the complete lack of subtlety, Lou. ^^,

Now, I’m gonna post what was a fun, fun, FUN birthday dinner at Bigby’s… Enjoy!

P.S. the OTHER birthday gift (having to do with the sticky sweet stuff Kevin and I labored over for a whole AFTERNOON) to follow as I plan to show the world what EXACTLY we plan to do with it… 😉 for now, you’ll just have to make do with the less exciting dinner… ^^,

P.P.S. chocolate cake (i think they’re called midnight somethings) = TO DIE FOR 😉

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P.P.P.S. Louise, your little photoshoot’s gonna be posted sooner than soon! I PROMISE!

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Today, my mom let us hear mass to commemorate her beloved first big brother, Benjamin Jr., a.k.a. JoJo.

It was nice, spent a little quality time with the family. Here’re the pictures we took on this most righteous day of bonding. ^^,

What’s boiling, toasters? I’m thinking the POST A WEEK 2011‘s boiling! 😀 LOLSKIES, that was lame. Hahaha…

So anyway, I read this thing where WordPress is challenging its bloggers to post, post, post once a week, thus the title… POST-A-WEEK… du-uh… in an effort to up the blogging and crush the evil that is writer’s block…

Just call me wondergirl.

Anyway, I’ve decided to take them up on their challenge and I will be posting at LEAST once a week (hey, girl’s gotta blog) about the zany, mysterious, and otherworldly mundane activities that make up that which I have cleverly named my life.

So tune in, more than once a week, if that’s possible, and check to see the awesomeness that is my writing prowess and the perspectives of a sheltered loudmouth babe and how she fares in this, a most formidable of challenges.

En garde, WordPress!

Ladies and gentlemen, last Sunday was the most awesome most festive event of my fair city of Cebu — SINULOG! We spent the whoooole Sunday being awesomely astounded by the sights and sounds of the mardigras parade.

In the whirlwind of costumes, masks, henna tattoos, screaming spectators, and lechon (that’s roast pig, *slurp*), I must say it was a LOT of fun!

The title of this entry is basically the battle cry of this festival. It’s Cebuano for “shout loud”! Yessss… It’s MY day. i can be as loud as I want to be and pay homage to the little boy the whole festival is about, Sto. Niño. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone!

Not that I’d ever want to hit two birds with a stone… Nor do I even think that’s possible… O.O

Anyway, I’ll be posting some pictures of me, my family, my tattoos, and even some of the pretty contingents… ENJOY! 🙂

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I know what you’re thinking.

That’s an awesome piece of boiled toast, that is. 😉