Posts Tagged ‘postaweek2011’

Just so you guys know, I’m all caught up on post-a-week, seeing as it’s only the third week of January and I’ve already come up with four, count ’em, FOUR toasts, er, POSTS.

So Louise, my ickle sibling of the female persuasion, is celebrating her birthday on Friday, the 21st.

too-too-too-doo-doo-doo-doo-too-too-too (a la kuzko on the emperor's new groove) 😛

She’ll be turning 17 (zoot a’lors!) not with a fizzle but with a bang because she’ll be holding a party on Saturday with icing fights, a jump and bounce, catering, karaoke, henna artists, the works!

Kevin, ♥the toast my boiler boils for♥, and I will be combining what minuscule knowledge we each have on the culinary arts to come up with the sweetest, most colorful icing (oh, yeah, coz that needs a lot of culinary expertise, LOL) for the most banging, chaotic, and RIDONKULOUS icing fight, EVAH!!!

Yes, toast boilers, we are going to attempt to turn this:

the most magnificent icing EVAH!

Into this:

nothing but the best for the day's little princess!

She’ll never see it coming! Well, she’ll see the icing coz it was her, after all, who requested the sugary clouds. What she won’t see is its AWESOMENESS because the icing we’re planning on making will reach the heights of awesome which none have ever seen nor dreamed of before!

I might be getting ahead of myself here, folks, seeing as Kevin and I are scrambling to get his mom’s recipe and the kind of ingredients (AND A HAND MIXER!) that we’ll need for this endeavour. But, rest assured, it’s gonna be awesome!

Either way, i’ll be needing some warm, toasty luck from y’all so, WISH IT!

What’s boiling, toasters? I’m thinking the POST A WEEK 2011‘s boiling! 😀 LOLSKIES, that was lame. Hahaha…

So anyway, I read this thing where WordPress is challenging its bloggers to post, post, post once a week, thus the title… POST-A-WEEK… du-uh… in an effort to up the blogging and crush the evil that is writer’s block…

Just call me wondergirl.

Anyway, I’ve decided to take them up on their challenge and I will be posting at LEAST once a week (hey, girl’s gotta blog) about the zany, mysterious, and otherworldly mundane activities that make up that which I have cleverly named my life.

So tune in, more than once a week, if that’s possible, and check to see the awesomeness that is my writing prowess and the perspectives of a sheltered loudmouth babe and how she fares in this, a most formidable of challenges.

En garde, WordPress!