Posts Tagged ‘funny’

That is probably like the millionth time somebody tried to spell that part of the song. You just can’t type “moves like jagger” coz then nobody will know the exact feeling of euphoria that comes with singing it.

I love Maroon 5 even if I’ve been too poor to go to any of their concerts when they graced the Philippine Islands with their presence.

Adam Levine, you make me wanna move like Jagger.

And, to Christina Aguilera, I loved you when i was a kid and this song and Burlesque makes me love you, now, too. To be clear, I’m not saying I’m not a kid anymore. HAHAHA. Little 90s child humor, there.

So, because I love you toast-boilers so (whoever you are in the vast universe — IF THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WILL TAKE TIME TO WATCH REBECCA BLACK’S FRIDAY, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WILL READ MY BLOG! BELIEVE YOU ME!), I am going to posty-post a link to this video that I posted on YouTube because VideoPress sucks and costs way too much. I worked tirelessly on this video of me dancing to Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera.

click here!


The batch dance that a lot of us came up with for the Political Science Department’s Acquaintance Party (more like middle of the semester breather-type, one-day-to-just-fuhgeddaboutit party, but, whatever… I don’t judge) is funny as hell.

I want to make it all official with a video. I say official because it hasn’t been posted on this blog. I want to post it on my blog. There aren’t a lot of readers/followers so I’m not really scared to post it. 😀

I’m going to make it in a couple of hours, after I’ve gotten out of these clothes. I have to take a picture of the outfit I have on and post it in my lookbook page, even if it’s not necessarily fashion-forward, because Mars asked me to. If somebody thinks it’s worth posting, maybe it is. So I will. You will see it here, too, for sure.

This is all easily done thanks to the tripod. I am so glad I decided to take daddy’s tripod out of the closet and into my life. LOL. I might look like an idiot when I take the pictures or make the video but hey, my blog, my life, my videos my pictures = NO SAY.

I’m just ninja like that.

I’ll be boiling more toast for you in a bit. Let me just get the whole look thing out of the way.

I’ll also be going to Poor Clare monastery, tonight, to pray a little bit to St. Clare whose Fiesta is on the 11th. God knows I need whatever blessings I can get. And the free food from the kindly nuns is great motivation.

I LOVE the calamansi juice. ❤

As usual, I am yours until toast successfully boils. 😀

I have to say, Louise’s party was a success! I had so much fun that night, regardless of the slow beginning and the bitter end that had transpired.


It was therapeutic to let loose. I needed that. 🙂

So glad I did it with some of the people closest to my heart… And my toast… 😀

Here are a few pictures that ought to make you jealous… 😉

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and don’t worry, it’s all on facebook… 😀

Today marks the beginning of the first hell week of the semester… It sounds evil coz it is.

And to make matters worse, the fuzz finally got the citation they issued me a while back (that they so insensitively stuck under one of my windshield wipers with somebody else’s name on it) right. They’re suspending my Picanto from gracing the rusted green gates for one week! Why? Coz I parked in the faculty area.

NO, IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL. I park there all the time! I got through a WHOLE SEMESTER without a glitch and now they cite me. BOO.

No biggie, though. I did the crime, I’m gonna do the time. I’m a little excited at the prospect of hippety-hopping onto the bright yellow shuttles that carry students and teachers alike to the different buildings in the HUMONGOUS campus.

They should make a mini-movie about it. It should be called “Erika takes the Shuttle”. I should tell Tara about it. LOL.

Yes, I LIKE MASS TRANSIT. So, ha-di-ha-ha to you, you insignificant security-type drones. YOU LOSE.

But, either way, hell week means that I should be spending less time than is normal in school, what with the complex schedule of alternating exams and stuff. There’s another fist-pump for me!


I’m so bad-ass. 😉 Judd Nelson would be proud.

Eat… my… toast…

Haaaaaaaaaaappy Biiiiiiirthday to youuuuuuuu…

I am officially LSS-ing on that jolly birthday jingle that the waiters and waitresses at Bigby’s sang to my widdle sister for her birthday. Louise should get an Oscar for her “surprised” look, considering it was HER idea to go to a place where they can sing their birthday wishes to her! LOL…

Kudos on the complete lack of subtlety, Lou. ^^,

Now, I’m gonna post what was a fun, fun, FUN birthday dinner at Bigby’s… Enjoy!

P.S. the OTHER birthday gift (having to do with the sticky sweet stuff Kevin and I labored over for a whole AFTERNOON) to follow as I plan to show the world what EXACTLY we plan to do with it… 😉 for now, you’ll just have to make do with the less exciting dinner… ^^,

P.P.S. chocolate cake (i think they’re called midnight somethings) = TO DIE FOR 😉

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P.P.P.S. Louise, your little photoshoot’s gonna be posted sooner than soon! I PROMISE!

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Today, my mom let us hear mass to commemorate her beloved first big brother, Benjamin Jr., a.k.a. JoJo.

It was nice, spent a little quality time with the family. Here’re the pictures we took on this most righteous day of bonding. ^^,

Just so you guys know, I’m all caught up on post-a-week, seeing as it’s only the third week of January and I’ve already come up with four, count ’em, FOUR toasts, er, POSTS.

So Louise, my ickle sibling of the female persuasion, is celebrating her birthday on Friday, the 21st.

too-too-too-doo-doo-doo-doo-too-too-too (a la kuzko on the emperor's new groove) 😛

She’ll be turning 17 (zoot a’lors!) not with a fizzle but with a bang because she’ll be holding a party on Saturday with icing fights, a jump and bounce, catering, karaoke, henna artists, the works!

Kevin, ♥the toast my boiler boils for♥, and I will be combining what minuscule knowledge we each have on the culinary arts to come up with the sweetest, most colorful icing (oh, yeah, coz that needs a lot of culinary expertise, LOL) for the most banging, chaotic, and RIDONKULOUS icing fight, EVAH!!!

Yes, toast boilers, we are going to attempt to turn this:

the most magnificent icing EVAH!

Into this:

nothing but the best for the day's little princess!

She’ll never see it coming! Well, she’ll see the icing coz it was her, after all, who requested the sugary clouds. What she won’t see is its AWESOMENESS because the icing we’re planning on making will reach the heights of awesome which none have ever seen nor dreamed of before!

I might be getting ahead of myself here, folks, seeing as Kevin and I are scrambling to get his mom’s recipe and the kind of ingredients (AND A HAND MIXER!) that we’ll need for this endeavour. But, rest assured, it’s gonna be awesome!

Either way, i’ll be needing some warm, toasty luck from y’all so, WISH IT!