Posts Tagged ‘heels’

I read a lot of fashion blogs. I follow a lot of model-type females that look like good pictures come naturally to them. I am not one of those ladies.

But I try.

More often than not, I am complete and utter FAILURE. Once in a blue moon, however, magic happens.

Can you see it?

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Boiling toast, one slice at a time. 😛

I have to say, Louise’s party was a success! I had so much fun that night, regardless of the slow beginning and the bitter end that had transpired.


It was therapeutic to let loose. I needed that. 🙂

So glad I did it with some of the people closest to my heart… And my toast… 😀

Here are a few pictures that ought to make you jealous… 😉

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and don’t worry, it’s all on facebook… 😀